November 13, 2008

West Nashville Crime Meeting - Wednesday, November 19

West Nashville United Methodist Church will host a second community meeting on "Coping With Crime in West Nashville" on Wednesday, November 19th at 6:30 p.m. The first meeting, held on Oct. 22nd, hosted a panel of civic and religious leaders from the community including the Metro Council representatives from two West Nashville Districts, a Lt. Police Chief from the Metro Police Force and two ministers from local churches. If anyone would like a summary of this meeting, please send an email request to

Representatives from Neighborhoods Resource Center will be on hand on Nov. 19th to facilitate discussion regarding further community organizing efforts towards dealing with the issue of crime in West Nashville. We hope to develop plans for working together as a community to deal with crime in our neighborhoods. The meeting will last from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Please call West Nashville UMC at 297-3216 if you would like more information or visit the website Business owners, residents, church members and concerned members of the community in the West Nashville area are encouraged to attend.

RUN Meeting Minutes - October 9, 2008

Attended by Billy Walls, Angela Bryan, Mary Baker, Cynthia Black, Lamar and Mamie Thronebury, Audrey and Buddy Baker, BG Wadholm, Jonathan Carrera, Matt Bigalow, William and James Bradford, Sherri Sloan, Norma Hand, and Scott Gillihan.

Billy called the meeting to order at 7:00 and introduced Sherri Sloan, an eight year veteran of the public works department. She explained the advantages of curby recycling, stating that it costs Metro $30 per ton to landfill waste while we make $10 to recycle. She spoke of the recycling center and Jonathan said his school took a tour of it. Norma asked Sherri about the recycling center that we might lose beside the strike and spare. Sherri stated that the city would do all it can to save a drop-off place in West Nashville.

Mary Baker from St. George's Church said she would like to know how they can help the people of West Nashville. She wanted to get input from community leaders.
In old business, Norma said we had $810.97 in the bank. Buddy said the people on O'Brian were going to form their own organization. We then voted on the Bylaws changes in Article 2 Section 1. Then changes were approved. See Billy for the new language.

Norma said she talked to people about the Indian celebration for West Nashville. We also talked about another ride along looking for codes violations although most agreed the neighborhood looks pretty good. Scott invited everyone to the 51st Ave cleanup and the Richland Creek cleanup later in the month. Angela reminded everyone that the adopt-a-family program was starting soon and wanted everyone to help out.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Minutes submitted respectfully by Scott Gillihan.

October 17, 2008

RUN Meeting Minutes - September 11, 2008

Attended by Bernadette Ash, Buddy Baker, Cynthia Black, Angela Bryan, Ron Burch, Scott Gillihan, Norma Hand, Brenda Hix, Blaine Ray, BG Wadholm, Billy Walls, Dave Wascher, Yolanda Vaughn, Matt Bigelow, Jonathan Carrera, William and James Bradford and Brian Diller.

Billy called the meeting to order at 7:00 In old business, Billy talked about the idea of changing RUN’s bylaws to allow members to vote if they’ve attended six meetings during the previous year. We talked about extending the boundaries of RUN over to the south side of Interstate 40 where a nascent neighborhood group is forming.

We talked about a follow-up Codes tour (we toured the neighborhood in July). Group members expressed interest in doing a second tour - looking for new code violations and identifying problems that have been corrected. There will be another ride before the next meeting in October.

Norma spoke of the Nations and how the name came from Indian Nations who brokered and dealt with early white settlers in the area. An idea was thrown out to organize a pow wow to celebrate our neighborhood’s history.

Angela said the St Luke’s Resident Planning meeting will take place Sept. 25

BJ was concerned with stray dogs and is pushing for a law to fine landlords who rent to tenants who are consistently involved in illegal activities. She’s working to get it included in a bill at the state legislature level. Councilman Baker said he has been calling animal control and public works frequently to report neighborhood issues.

Councilman Baker informed us that a Gordons Food store is planned to be built at the site where Kmart previously existed in Hillwood plaza. Many residents expressed concern about losing the recycling center after working so hard to get one in there. We all agreed to think of new places where a new center could be located if the old one must close.

Brenda invited everyone to the Light of the Nations Carnival and Health Fair. There will be food and music and fun for all.

The meeting adjourned about 8:00.

Minutes submitted respectfully by Scott Gillihan.

September 11, 2008

RUN Meeting Minutes - August 14, 2008

Attended by Blaine Ray, Dave Wascher, Scott Gillihan, Sandy Sandberg, Buddy Baker, Cissy Mynatt, William and James Bradford, Cyndi Hoeger, Jonathon Convoa, BG Wadholm, Norma Hand, Cynthia Black, Lamar and Mamie Thronebery, Bernadette Ash, and Brenda Hix.

Cynthia called the meeting to order after reporting that Billy was sick. She welcomed everybody and turned to Norma for a treasurer report. Norma said that the RUN treasury had doubled from $405.44 to $810.97 because of donation from the Night Out Against Crime. More news on that later.

Blaine talked about the drive through the neighborhood attended by Ron, Blaine, Cynthia, Brenda, Billy and Scott. They found some code violations and he called about a few but wishes some members of the community would take charge in fixing up problem properties.

Brenda said that lost of older people needed help caring for their yard. It was suggested that maybe a partnership could be set up to care for the lawn mowers and trimmer needed. Norma suggested that a school program that could help out.

Norma gave a more detailed explanation of the Night Out Against Crime. All agreed it was a good night and everybody had fun. Everybody got what they wanted and there was very little waste. (Scott's note: these numbers may be off as I might have misunderstood them. Ask Norma for a better accounting.)

Buddy was asked about a council update and he reported that "No news is good news."

David described a crime incident in which he reported a theft in action, but very little response was made by the Police Dept. David also said we need to be better-prepared for an emergency. He also expressed a desire to include more minorities in RUN meetings, mentioning that new members might feel intimidated. Bernadette agreed with David. B.G. discussed issues regarding a problem property on her block.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Minutes submitted respectfully by Scott Gillihan.

July 25, 2008

RUN Meeting Minutes - July 10, 2008

Attended by Blaine Ray, Angela Bryan, David Wascher, Scott Gillihan, Ron Burch, Brenda Hix, Cynthia Black, Lamar and Mamie Thronebery, Billy Walls, Sarah and Kate Bellos, Bernadette Ash, William and James Bradford, BG Wadholm, David Wells, Audrey and Buddy Baker, Sergeant Ricky Williams.

Billy called the meeting to order and turned it over to Ricky who told us the good news about a major drug and gun bust on New York Ave (even though the perpetrators were released the next day). Ron asked about slow response on the 911 system and Ricky said they are making changes. Ricky said there are still auto break-ins but auto theft is down because of high gas prices. Blaine and Brenda asked about graffiti and Ricky said that gang activity does exist in Nashville, citing a recent murder in South Nashville. Ricky said they are fighting copper and metal thieves, and are now requiring fingerprints from scrap dealers. BG and Bernadette complained about juvenile crime and Brenda asked about go-carts, which Ricky said were legal (annoying, and dangerous as they may be).

The minutes of the June meeting were approved and no activity was reported in the treasury.

Sarah of Nashville Urban Harvest expressed her opposition to the bridge for the new May Town proposal. She cited increased traffic in the area and a reduced quality of life. Scott passed around a petition for residents who oppose the project (the count was 14 in opposition; 1 in favor). Billy said he was for it because he did not want the bridge to go through Charlotte Park. Scott will show the petition to the Metro Planning Commission on July 24 and express the group’s opposition. Councilman Baker said that he met with the developers and he supports the project. David asked why they could not build the bridge behind Lowe’s and Buddy said there already is a development occurring there.

Billy reminded everyone that the Night Out Against Crime is coming soon and we need more planning. The next meeting for that will be July 15. Billy asked everyone to come.

Bernadette reported she has had little luck with the restriping of Morrow Rd. She passed around a petition for all to sign so she could take it to Benny Word at Metro Public Works. She and David want a sign welcoming people to West Nashville and all agreed it was a good idea if the liability and property rights issues and be resolved.

Angela said St Luke bought a house to complete the city block and are now planning what to do with it. Brenda invited everyone to the Church Carnival in September. We agreed to meet a little earlier in August to discuss the Metro Codes Ride-around.

The meeting adjourned at about 8:05

Before the meeting Blaine, Ron , Billy, Scott, Cynthia , and Brenda rode around looking for problem properties (dumping, graffiti, etc.) and they found about 20. To be discussed at later meeting . Thanks to Ron for driving and Brenda for use of the church van.

July 7, 2008

RUN Meeting Minutes - June 12, 2008

Attended by Blaine Ray, Angela Bryan, David Wascher, Scott Gillihan, Ron Burch, Brenda Hix, Cynthia Black, Lamar and Mamie Thronebery, Billy Walls, William and James Bradford, Norma Hand, BG Wadholm, Audrey and Buddy Baker and Sgt. Connie Tripp.

Billy called the meeting to order and introduced Sgt. Tripp - Community Coordinator for the Metro Police Department's West Precinct. Sgt. Tripp talked about a recent heroin bust on White Bridge Road, and expressed satisfaction for the individuals who called to report drug-related activity on Couch Drive and Kentucky Ave. An arrest was recently made in that area. He talked about the rash of recent auto break-ins, with GPS systems being the main targets of the crooks. Sgt. Tripp mentioned that home break-ins have declined; he then addressed questions about the use of deadly force.

May's minutes were submitted and approved by the group.

BG asked about the new warehouse on Cockrill Bend where she works. Scott again voiced his opposition to any bridge from that prison area over to Bell’s Bend.

Cynthia announced that a dumpster would be available at St. Luke’s Saturday June 21 thanks to Public Works (Update: We filled it up!). Scott reminded everyone that the next 51st Ave cleanup will take place on Saturday, July 12.

Billy reminded everyone that the planning for the Night Out Against Crime would take place Thurs. June 26th at St. Luke’s and invited everyone to attend.

Buddy was asked for a council update and he said he was disappointed with Metro's budget and that it is a down year for our city. He was asked about the convention center expansion, and the deal to keep the Predators hockey team in Nashville.

Norma spoke about concerns she has regarding Metro Water Services.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Minutes submitted respectfully by Scott Gillihan.

June 9, 2008

RUN Meeting Minutes - May 8, 2008

Attended by Blaine Ray, Billy Walls, Cynthia Black, Norma Hand, Ron Burch, Scott Gillihan, Evan and Janel Lacy, Buddy and Audrey Baker, Brenda Hix, Angela Bryan, David Wascher, Sandy Sandberg, Cyndi Hoeger, William and James Bradford, and Bernadette Ash.

Billy called the meeting to order at 7:00. Minutes from the April meeting were approved. We welcomed Bernadette to the RUN Steering Committee, which provided updates regarding the Night Out Against Crime, and progress on bylaw changes. The steering committee will meet again on May 20 at St Luke’s.

RUN welcomed new visitors to the organization. Blaine shared maps of the neighborhood that showed concentration of crime for 2007. It showed several hotspots of crime activity, including areas near the railroad tracks on the east side of the neighborhood, and along Charlotte Pike. Various members of the group discussed crime related issues regarding properties on Kentucky and Stevenson St.

Scott updated everyone about the Richland Creek cleanup scheduled for June 29th, passing around information about the event. Scott regretfully added that he would be out of town that weekend.

Cynthia was congratulated for winning the Mary Catherine Strobel Volunteer of the Year Award. Councilman Baker read a letter from the Metro Council congratulating her.

Councilman Baker informed the group about new warehouses being built at Cockrill Bend and a new project on the Western edge of the 20th district for condos etc.

Bernadette told us that she is working to get a crosswalk on Charlotte for students who attend Richland Elementary School. Angela shared a newsletter that St Luke’s staff had worked on. Additionally, she invited everyone to attend the St Luke’s “Celebration of Cultures” event, to be held on June 7 at St. Luke’s Community House.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00.

April 28, 2008

RUN Meeting Minutes - April 2008

Attended by Blaine Ray, Angela Bryan, Dave Wascher, Ron Burch, Gina Ruff, Billy Walls, James and William Bradford, Audrey and Buddy Baker, BG Wadholm, Bernadette Ash, and Scott Gillihan.

Billy called the meeting to order at 7:00 and set out notebooks for anyone who wanted to help with the bylaws and other committees to help RUN. He also informed the group about the new mailbox by Taco Bell on Charlotte Pike, thanking everyone for their phone calls.

Scott announced that the spring cleanup of 51st Ave. would be Saturday, April 12th. He also shared photos of construction waste near Richland Creek Update: there will be a cleanup of Richland Creek May 29th. More information later.

Bernadette Ash was nominated to the RUN Steering Committee. There will be a meeting of the committee Tuesday, April 29 at St. Luke’s.

Blaine shared results of the poll of neighborhood concerns in which “better relations with the police” and “curbing youth crime” seemed to be the most popular. Angela talked about her meeting with the police and neighborhood watches. Blaine was asked to provide RUN with updated crime information. Bernadette talked about a recent shooting on Michigan Ave and BG talked about cars getting broken into on Pennsylvania Ave. Crime will be the focus of the next RUN meeting.

Angela said there will be a “schools out” festival at St Luke’s on June 7th. BG and Brenda announced the date for the Light in the Nations Block Party / Health Fair: Saturday, September 20.

Councilman Baker noted that there was core drilling for a sound wall along Synder and Westboro. Toward the close of the meeting, Ron and Councilman Baker talked about the Public Works Department and waste disposal in Metro Government.

The meeting ended at 8:00.

April 9, 2008

Issue Prioritization 2008

In March, residents who have attended 4 or more RUN meetings during the past 12 months were asked to rank the issues that they want to work on most during the upcoming year.

Here were the top vote-getters:

1. Improve RUN's Relationship with the Police.
2. Make Parks, Playgrounds, Etc. Safe for Youth .
3. (tie) Public Transportation - Improve West Nashville Bus Route .
3. (tie) Address Concerns Regarding Traffic, Semi-Trucks, Etc.
5. (tie) Improve 51st Avenue / Improve Neighborhood Entrance from I-40 .
5. (tie) Create a Disaster Plan for West Nashville.
7. Dumping - Deal with Illegal Dumping / Get "No Dumping" Signs for RUN.
8. Richland Creek Cleanup
9 Strengthen Relationship with Local Businesses.
10. Street / Alley Cleanup

RUN Meeting Minutes – March 13, 2008

Attended by Blaine Ray, Scott Gillihan, Mamie and Lamar Thronebury, William Bradford, James Bradford, Councilman Buddy Baker, Audrey Baker, Dave Wascher, Angela Bryan, Bernadette Ash, Gina Ruff, Cynthia Black, Norma Hand, Billy Walls, Brenda Hix, and BG Wadholm


Billy called the meeting to order and the minutes to the February were approved save for the Night Out Against Crime section. The group decided to hold the 2008 NOAC event at St. John’s Church while Charlotte Park will hold their event at Nashville West. Billy, Angela, Scott, Norma, and Gina volunteered for the NOAC committee.

Proposed bylaw changes were discussed briefly and then tabled.

Norma announced that $405.55 was available in the treasury.


Billy and Gina talked about producing a newsletter although distribution is still a problem. Billy said there will be more emergency training offered by the American Red Cross this summer.

We discussed the Bells Bend meeting and found out that 75 citizens signed a petition opposing the development; 0 citizens signed a petition supporting it. Audrey informed us about the Overlook at Nashville West, which will have two new hotels where the Howard Johnson once stood.

We next discussed the moving of houses to Deal Ave like they did on 61st Ave. Blaine provided site plans for the structures to the rest of the group. Most of the attendees agreed they liked the houses but Mamie and others voiced concerns about putting two houses on one lot so long as they are connected.

Mail drop box - Billy asked everyone to call Walter at 383-2056 to get a mail drop box in Charlotte Park. Norma announced that the HG Hills store is closing April 5.

Bernadette said that the potholes and crosswalk at Richland Head Start had been fixed. Good job, but nobody could get a hold of Benny Word at Metro Public Works regarding speeding on Morrow Road. Buddy said he is working on cameras at West Park and Charlotte Park to cut down on crime. Audrey asked everyone to remember Sylvester Henkel and family in their prayers.

Scott reminded everyone the 51st Ave clean up is April 12. He also asked for help cleaning up construction dumping along Richland Creek. The last bit of good news was about former RUN president Cynthia Black being nominated for the Stroble award for volunteers by St. Luke’s. Good luck Cynthia, we know you deserve it.

The meeting ended before 8:00.

March 3, 2008

RUN Meeting Minutes - February 14, 2008

Attended by Blaine Ray, Billy Walls, Ron Burch, Lamar and Mamie Throneberry, James and William Bradford, Norma Hand , Councilman Buddy Baker and Audrey Baker, BG Wadholm, Gina Ruff, Scott Gillihan and Brenda Hix.

Billy called the meeting to order at 7:00 and everyone approved last month’s minutes. We decided to stage the Night Out Against Crime in August at St. John’s Church on Charlotte Pike. We will again team with the Charlotte Park Neighborhood Association.

Treasury Update: Norma said there was $444.55 in the bank minus $40 for PO Box Rental.

Gina talked about neighborhood news getting out in the St. Luke’s newsletter. Billy brought up the subject of the community response team. He said he’d like more training but not such long hours. Many thanks to Billy, BG, Cynthia, and Buddy for keeping West Nashville safe, in case of emergency.

Blaine passed around a letter of support for a grant application to United Way (to allow NRC to continue working with West Nashville neighborhoods).

The subject of townhouses being built on Michigan Ave between 45th and 46th Ave came up again. They want to build 26 units this time (down from 52 in the previous zoning change proposal); there will be a meeting to hash out details at a later date.

Update: At the Feb. 28 Planning Commission Hearing, the zoning proposal was approved unanimously.

Details: A request to change from IR to R6 zoning properties located at 4400, 4501, 4502, 4504, 4506, 4507, 4508, 4509, 4510, 4511, 4516, and 4518 Michigan Avenue, at the intersection of 46th Avenue North and Michigan Avenue (2.5 acres), requested by Jesse Walker Engineering, applicant, for Daniel Oakley, owner.

Decision: Approve 10-0

Citizens again voiced concerns about industrial traffic along Georgia Ave. and Centennial.

A zoning change is proposed that would bring a metal cutting shop next to BG and Brenda’s church (61st Ave. United Methodist) and both individuals expressed concerned about issues related to traffic and noise. Blaine expressed that a SP zoning change might be more appropriate than a change from Commercial to Industrial (because a SP change could strictly limit the use to only metal cutting—no other Industrial uses)

Scott brought up news of the planned development in Bells Bend. Most residents seemed to be against it. Buddy said there will be a meeting on this contentious issue on March 11 at the Barth-Vernon Church on Robertson Road.

Councilman Buddy Baker invited everyone to come to his Easter Egg Hunt at Charlotte Park on Palm Sunday, March 16.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 sharp. Happy Valentine's Day!

January 14, 2008

Minutes of RUN Meeting - January 10, 2008

Recorded and submitted by Scott Gillihan, RUN Secretary.

Attended by: BG Wadholm, Cynthia Black, Scott Gillihan, Lamar and Mamii Thronebury, Bernadette Ash, Angela Bryan, Gina Ruff, Blaine Ray, David Wascher.

Cynthia called the meeting to order at 7:00 (Billy could not attend this month). No Treasury updates were provided. Scott reminded everyone of the 51st Ave cleanup scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 12th. Blaine provided a council update from Councilman Baker. Councilman Baker could not attend, because he was holding a public meeting regarding Verchota Flooring in the Charlotte Park area.

There was no update regarding the restriping of Morrow road. Several attendees promised to talk with Benny Word to make it happen by summer. We all did seem to like the traffic light on Centennial off Briley Parkway. Especially BG. Everyone agreed that the new truckstop should be a good thing.

Bernadette voice concerns about Richland Headstart. She is trying to get the parking lot repaved and some kind of crosswalk for children on busy Charlotte Ave. She said that they are putting in speed bumps on the road by West Park.

Angela gave us the St. Luke's update. She said that 395 families were adopted this Christmas. They plan on starting a fittness program, a new cooking class, and providing free tax return preparation (with Jessica) this winter. Gina informed us that she is volunteering to become a leader of the Girl Scout Troop at St. Luke's. The next St Luke’s Advisory Council meeting is taking place Jan. 31 at 6:00. Everyone is welcome to attend.

BG told us about all the good work that 61st Ave church is doing, including the Fall Carnival and Last Chance Christmas Toy Store that helped 3,700 people! They also got a $10,000 grant to repair homes in West Nashville. We all should thank Pastor Paul for the good work they do. BG also said she has noticed more police patrols in the area.

A brief discussion about what should be done with the old prison followed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15.

Cleanup Update: The 51st Ave cleanup was one of the most successful ever. About 30 bags of trash were filled along with other debris. Special thanks to Tony and Gina Ruff for getting all the litter around Cockrill School and the Throneburys for going above and beyond the call!

January 4, 2008

RUN Meeting Minutes - November 8, 2007

Attended by Blaine Ray, Ron Burch, Norma Hand, Billy Walls, Gina Ruff, Lamar and Mamie Throneberry, William and James Bradford, Buddy and Audrey Baker, Bernadette Ash, Cynthia Black, Angela Bryan, David Wascher, Edith Tuck, Benny Word, and Scott Gillihan

Billy called the meeting to order and Benny Word of Traffic calming Metro spoke first. Benny mentioned the study of traffic on Morrow Road is in but he hasn't had a chance to study it. He did sound like something could be done like re-striping, parking spots and speed limit could be done. We also talked about the Westboro-Thunderbird intersection. Thanks to the Throneberrys and Bernadette for help on this issue.

In old business, copies of bylaws were handed out to attendees. A suggestion was made to rewrite the section regarding rights of voters and those running for office. After discussion, the change was tabled until the January RUN meeting.

Angela from St. Luke's invited us to the Community Thanksgiving. We congratulated St. Luke’s for the successful Halloween party. Angela also reminded us of a new cooking class starting up. Ron updated us on the meeting with police Sgt. Williams. He reminded us to keep our eyes open and call the police when you see suspicious activity.

Buddy and Audrey Baker talked about a new TGIF and Red Robin restaurant in the new shopping center. Two more restaurants are planned to move to the area as well.

There was a brief discussion regarding calling the are the “Nations Neighborhood.” Cynthia and Norma explained where the name came from (the Indian reservation in the area). Perhaps we could reach a compromise and call us the RUN association of West Nashville.

The meeting ended at 8:00. There will be not meeting in December. Happy Holidays!

Minutes recorded by Scott Gillihan